I am a Mechanical Engineering PhD Candidate in Micro and Nano Mechanics Group at Stanford University. My current work focuses on understanding how material defects and microstructures govern macroscopic mechanical properties using computational approaches, such as metal strain hardening and homogenization of digital rocks. I was a Research Scientist Intern at Tokyo Electron working on computational modeling of semiconductor engineering (3DI). Previously, I got my MS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University and BS in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Shanghai University. I'm from Beijing.
I am interested in solving problems in mechanics of materials from atomistic to continuum scales. My research interests are combining computational mechanics, computational materials science, scientific machine learning, and inverse optimization for structural and materials modeling and design, with potential impact on energy, biotechnology, and advanced manufacturing.
[Ad for Stanford students]: Please consider enrolling in ME335A Finite Element Analysis, for which I am to be the CA.
2024: Collaboration with MSR AI4Science on optimization for materials design being published as a Featured Article in APL Materials.
2022: Poster for molecular dynamics of graphe fracture being presented at Molecular ML Conference.